Grand Treasurer
Donald Ellis Strehle
Grand Treasurer
Donald Ellis Strehle was born in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, on March 28, 1956. He is the third son of the late Frank E. Strehle and the late Thelma G. Strehle. Brother Strehle moved to Newport News, Virginia, at the age of seven and graduated from Denbigh High School in 1974. He graduated from Radford University in 1978 with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management. He moved to Arlington, Virginia, where he began his banking career in 1979 with Continental Federal Savings Bank and attended Commercial Lending School at the University of Virginia, Darden School of Business. His last position with Continental Federal, now Truist Bank, was Senior Vice President in charge of commercial and consumer lending. Later, he held the management position of Executive Vice President with F&M Bank Northern Virginia. In 2005 he was named Regional President for BB&T, administratively responsible for 600 employees, 80 financial centers, $6 billion in deposits, and 140,000 client households in Northern Virginia. He concluded his career as Managing Director of the Washington Office of Sterling Capital Management.
Brother Strehle was made a Master Mason in Cherrydale-Columbia Lodge No. 42, Arlington, Virginia, on October 19, 1996, where he is a Legacy Member in Perpetuity. He served as Worshipful Master in 2001. He has been Cherrydale-Columbia's Lodge Trustee since 2002 and served as Treasurer for fifteen years. He also holds membership in A. Douglas Smith, Jr. Lodge of Research No. 1949. He was appointed District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District No. 54 in 2008. He served as Grand Senior Steward in 2012 and also served on the Grand Lodge Committee on Finance for eleven years. He holds honorary membership in seven lodges. He is the Grand Representative to the Grand Lodge Nationale France, near Virginia. Brother Strehle was elected Grand Junior Deacon in November 2016 and served as Grand Master in 2023.
Brother Strehle is a member of the Valley of Alexandria, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and was invested Knight Commander Court of Honour in 2019 and was coroneted as a 33rd Degree, Inspector General Honorary, in 2023. He holds membership in Arlington Royal Arch Chapter No. 35, Arlington Commandery No. 29, Knights Templar, Kena Shrine Center, and was invested Knight of York Cross of Honour in 2021. He is a Past Patron, and current Trustee, of Unity Chapter No. 201, Order of the Eastern Star, Falls Church, Virginia. He served as Treasurer of the Virginia OES Home Board of Governors from 2009 to 2015 and is a Past Grand Patron of the Grand Chapter of Virginia, Order of the Eastern Star. He is a Past Associate Bethel Guardian of Bethel No. 1, Arlington, Virginia. He served as Grand Chaplain (2006-2007) and Associate Grand Guardian of Virginia, Job's Daughters International (2013-2014). He has served as the Treasurer of the Masters' and Wardens' Association for Masonic District 54 for sixteen years and is Vice-President of the DeMolay Foundation of Virginia. Brother Strehle is also the recipient of the DeMolay Legion of Honor and holds honorary member in the International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay. Currently he serves on the Shriners International Youth Committee. He is a member of the National Sojourners, Incorporated, Hampton Roads Chapter No. 6, and a member of the Washington and Lee York Rite Sovereign College. He received the Grand Cross of Color from Rainbow for Girls International. He also holds honorary member in seven other lodges.
Brother Strehle has also been very active in the community. Within Northern Virginia, he is a Past Board Member, Community Foundation for Northern Virginia; Past President, Northern Virginia Community College Foundation Board; Award Recipient and Member of the Door Opener Society; Past Board Member, Radford University President's Business and Economic Advisory Council; Past Executive in Residence Davis College of Business at Radford University; Former Member, Bailey Crossroads Rotary Club; Life Member, Prince William Chapter/Northern Virginia Building Industry Association; Past Member, Northern Virginia Association of Realtors; Past Member of Arlington Jaycees, Past Chairman of the Visiting Nurse Association of Northern Virginia, former Vice-Chairman of Capital Hospice, and served on the Foundation Board for INOVA Health System. He is an active member of Cherrydale United Methodist Church, serving in many capacities, and presently a Trustee and Chairman of the Finance Committee. In his leisure time, he enjoys playing golf at Washington Golf and Country Club where he is a member.
Brother Strehle is married to the former Mary Lee Dodge of Arlington. They have three daughters, all Past Honored Queens of Bethel No. 1, Job’s Daughters, Arlington, Virginia. His daughter Sara is married to Dr. Kevin W. Duke, and they have two children, Thomas and Emily Duke; Laura Ellen is married to Brian Kobler, and they have a daughter, Luella Kobler and a son Max Kobler; and Lee Anne is married to Stephen Bradley Weiss and they have a daughter Cora Weiss.