The Virginia Masonic Herald
The Virginia Masonic Herald is the official publication of the Grand Lodge of Virginia A.F. & A.M., of the Commonwealth of Virginia. The views expressed in The Virginia Masonic Herald do not necessarily reflect those of the Grand Lodge or its Officers. The Virginia Masonic Herald is published three times a year at the direction of the Grand Master.
It contains articles about what is going on in Freemasonry in Virginia. It also includes articles from different appendant bodies, such as the Eastern Star (a ladies’ organization) or the Scottish Rite and York Rite, as well as articles and pictures from our Youth organizations (DeMolay, Job’s Daughters, and Rainbow for the Girls) and the Crown Jewel of Freemasonry in Virginia, MAHOVA. ACBR Articles in regard to Masonic, patriotic, and Constitutional principles, freedom, educational, and general interest are invited.
Whenever possible, photographs and negatives should accompany each article. All original articles are subject to editing and, when published, become the property of the Grand Lodge. No compensation or expenses are allowed for any articles, photographs, or other materials submitted or published.
Direct all submissions to vmheditor@grandlodgeofvirginia.org, including photos, identifying subjects. Please review the submission guidelines below.