Masonic Community Blood Program
Program Charter
The purpose of the Masonic Community Blood Program is to strengthen those Lodge Blood programs now in existence, integrate and coordinate them into an effective statewide activity, and to encourage creation of such programs in Lodges which do not have them. The program serves as a Masonic service to the community by assuring the availability of blood products.
Program History
The Masonic Community Blood Program continues the time-honored tradition of Masons serving the public by strengthening community blood resources. Masons and the public at large benefit in a way that saves lives. While Virginia Masons have been active blood donors for decades, since its inception as a charitable focus of Virginia Masonry, the Masonic Community Blood Program, with Masons as organizers of blood drives and as individual donors, has generated donations of many thousands of pints of life-saving blood. The Masons of Virginia are proud to serve their fellow citizens through this selfless effort.
Reporting Blood Donations, Handbook & Manual
If you have any questions regarding this program or reporting blood donations, please contact us at: Virginia Masonic Blood Program glblood@glova.org.