Grand Lodge Leadership
Appointed Grand Lodge Officers
Deputy Grand Secretary
John Michael Parrish
Administrative Assistant to the Grand Master
James Friend Dickerson
Grand Marshal
Richard Burton Bowyer
Associate Grand Marshal
Michael Dale Henderson
Grand Chaplain
Joseph Brandon Hale
Associate Grand Chaplain
Philip John Hays
Grand Lecturer
Doyle Lee Miller
Assistant Grand Lecturer
Thomas Morton Woolfolk
Grand Provost
Jonathan Alexander Giles
Assistant Grand Provost
Larry Curtis Huff
Grand Pursuivant
Thornton Leslie Holt
Grand Purveyor
David Matthew Clarke
Grand Senior Steward
Samuel Abarquez Flores, Jr.
Grand Junior Steward
Donald Lewis Ratliff
Grand Organist
Donald Francis Moro, Jr.
Grand Physician
Samuel Moseley Jones
Grand Tiler
Stephen Lee Stinson, Jr.